When we talk about sustainability in start-up ecosystem, we can look at two different angels. First, how does a particular start-up ecosystem provide the infrastructure for start-ups to be successful and sustain their longevity and market presence. But, a different viewpoint could be wether a startup ecosystem encourages businesses to think of sustainable approaches and solutions in terms of environment and the living ecosystem of our planet when solving problems. We believe the best ecosystem for startups is one that considers both these issues and provides entrepreneurs and innovators with the knowledge and infrastructure that enable startups to both sustain themselves and their business and the life on earth at the same time.
The 21st century has brought significant challenges for humanity. These can be seen in the rapid population increase, climate change, and the sharp decline of natural resources. Another issue is that of sustainability. Businesses must recognise that they are an integral part of this problem and produce lasting solutions with regards to activities on planet earth. Businesses must recognise the complex relationship between business, society, and nature to create sustainable products and processes on planet earth.
Businesses and the way we approach solving problems need to consider sustainability as a core issue. The focus of sustainability should be on providing long-term solutions and not temporary fixes to problems. This means having a long-term vision and designing sustainable products and processes. Rather than simply following the development of disruptive technologies, the focus should be on selecting solutions that are conducive to long-term sustainability.
Start-ups of tomorrow must embrace the need for sustainable human activity on planet earth. The start-up ecosystem will be one that encourages businesses to think of sustainable approaches to solving problems and designing products and services. The start-up ecosystem will need to create a space where entrepreneurs can optimise their success by embracing sustainable solutions from within their own business. We believe the best environment for startups is one that considers both these issues and provides entrepreneurs and innovators with the knowledge and infrastructure that enable startups to both sustain themselves and be a contributor in the solution of problems, while also being an essential part in improving our way of life on planet earth. This is what we mean by symbiotic business.
The start-up ecosystem will need to create a space where entrepreneurs can optimise their success by embracing sustainable solutions from within their own business. We believe the best environment for startups is one that considers both these issues and provides entrepreneurs and innovators with the knowledge and infrastructure that enable startups to both sustain themselves and be a contributor in the solution of problems, while also being an essential part in improving our way of life on planet earth.
A good environment for start-ups is one where they can provide solutions to problems in their field through innovation, collaboration, open communication, cognitive diversity, creativity, open source code sharing etc. This is done through designing processes where there are connected individuals who work together towards finding solutions to challenges. What this means is the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach in current and future startups.
Let’s listen to Sir David Attenborough in #COP26 Glasgow, 2021 and take to heart his message:
#climatechange, #globalwarming