Health and wellness start-up development

Indimed is a health and wellness startup development company. Our team is composed of innovators, entrepreneurs, engineers, physicians, designers and marketers that are passionate about building the next generation of products for improving health and wellness of individuals.

Indimed invests in companies with innovative ideas for solving old and new healthcare problems. We seek an opportunity to disrupt the market, develop a new product or service that could significantly impact the lives of people around the world.

We are looking for bold entrepreneurs who understand that innovation cannot stop at the door of the lab or laboratory. The best idea often comes from direct experience. It is our goal to help bring new ideas to life through innovative solutions – products and services – that will change peoples’ lives for the better.

We are an interdisciplinary health startup development team interested in designing futuristic solutions to health challenges. Bringing the power of technologies like artificial intelligence, big data analytics, blockchain and Internet of things to the field of medicine to develop products that can help shape the future of health and wellness. 

Our start-up development strategy is to find new technologies, ideas, and innovations that could help everyone live healthier lives. We are constantly looking for new talents to join our team by highlighting what you have to offer and what we can do together. We are also interested in working with other likeminded innovators to help them develop their ideas and make those idea into real world products that are used by people to improve their health. More on the types of start-ups we are interested in, here.

Health and wellness at an individualized level